
The no configuration instant database for frontend developers.

It should be noted that injee was not created to make money, it was created to make front end developers life easier. So the jobs listed here are freelance and unpaid. What you might get is experience, and a listing about you in our contributors page.

Any one can apply for this job, but I feel people who love to learn front end and back end of web development will be really suited.

1. Front End Developers

We need front end developers to use injee and demonstrate its power to the world. One may be experienced in React, Vue, Typescript, Flutter etc.

2. Clojure Learners

If you like to advance your Clojure knowledge by writing back end code and maintain injee, please do contact me. We use ring to develop injee. We need people to write tests and implement new features.

3. Package Managers

I need people to create packages for injee, so that it can be installed easily on various operating systems like GNU/Linux, Mac and Windows. If you think you have the skill, do contact me.

How to contact me

You can contact Karthikeyan A K, + 91 842805077 on WhatApp, Telegram, Signal. Or mail me at