
The no configuration instant database for frontend developers.

Breaking changes in Injee 1.0.0

To add more features to Injee, we are listening to its user feedback, and we are writing automated tests, so that future rollouts will be faster. Having said that, we have discovered a thing that could break some people’s app. These are the changes we have identified so far:

Deleting Table

Let’s say that you want delete a table, this is how you do it currently:

$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:4125/api/delete-table/users

We get a message as shown below, informing us that the table has been deleted:

  "message": "deleted table users"

From now on the api above will be replaced with ops, and status returned will be 204. So the new api will be like this:

$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:4125/ops/delete-table/users    

Listing Tables

Currently this is how one lists tables:

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:4125/ops/tables



From 1.0.0, this is what will be returned:

  "tables": [

If you are following Injee, you know that we want to build an admin UI for Injee so that UI/UX people don’t have to use command line to administer Injee. We prefer to use HTMX as it requires less development effort than other JavaScript frameworks, the above returned will enable us to embed it properly using mustache.

That’s it!

That’s it for now. Until the next Injee update, bye bye!!