

Release under GPLV3 or later, Injee will always be libre. It will be gratis as much as possible. But we do like people contributing and donating to Injee. View Source.

Reduce 70% Dev Time.

Injee will reduce 70% of your front end development time, as you have ready to use backend.


Injee is excellent for newbies who are learning front end tech, as it frees you from worrying about backend, and lets you concentrate on your learning.


Injee strives to follow the best industry standards for API design, thus you have better chance of having best architected API gateways.


Injee runs locally on your server. Your IP and browser parameters are not tracked. It runs on all OS'es like GNU/Linux, Mac and Windows.


Injee is Dockerized. It runs on all Major platforms. Learn more.


Operating from RAM, Injee is superfast, ideal for storing and retrieving data you need to do your front end proof of concepts. You will almost never see a lag due to backend when its Injee.


Injee has extensive documentation, so you will feel really comfortable developing with Injee. Read it.

Video Tutorial

Injee has a Youtube channel that clearly explains how to use Injee with various front end technologies. Our Channel.


Injee lets you take backups of your Database. In essence, you can take snapshots and load which ever version you need to for your front end proof of concepts. Worries about data corruption are over.


Injee not only supports legacy frameworks like React and Vue, but also modern frameworks like HTMX. Watch how.


Supports all CRUD operations. Injee uses industrial standard API's, which means you will end up with few surprises as you scale up your app.


Injee has powerful built in search that works out of the box.


Sort your records ascending or descending while retrieving it. Injee has built in sorting system that works on your data.


Injee has inbuilt pagination support, that works out of the box.

File Storage

Upload and download files using Injee files API, just like you would do in any other backend framework.

User Auth

Injee will soon acquire a natural ability to identify user tables, and will build authentication API in seconds.


Injee will have pre-prepared databases for you to use out of the box. Jump start your front end proof of concepts with instant backend data ready to go.


UpcomingInjee will have extensive developer friendly logging features, so you know what's exactly going on.


UpcomingInjee will provide GraphQL end point so that number of API end points are drastically reduced.

Visual Admin

UpcomingInjee will have a visual admin with which GUI savvy front end devs can inspect data and configure it.

DB Export

UpcomingCreate Databases for your real world app using Injee, thus reducing load on back end developers. We are planning of seamless export to SQLite, Postgres and MySQL.

Flask Export

UpcomingInjee will be able to generate flask back end from its database data.

Sinatra Export

UpcomingInjee will be able to generate Sinatra back end from its database data.

Express Export

UpcomingInjee will be able to generate express back end from its database data.


UpcomingControl Injee to send delayed response, 404, 500 etc., to test your front end app's resilience to handle errors.


UpcomingInjee will be hosted on a public server. You can get an instant hosted version of Injee. Or better you can host yourself one.


Get free support. Contact +91-8428050777 on WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal.
